Friday, 12 March 2021

What about my future studies?- Part1

I have heard questions about choosing a course or career several times. I thought why not address these questions according to what I know!

For introductions, I am Purnima Chopra who is pursuing Fashion Business and Management in London College of Fashion. Now my course is purely business, giving me a go through about how things work in fashion industry. (PS. it is definitely not about designing or styling.)   
Okay, let us begin by the most common concern:

How should I know about which course is right for me after school?

  1. Okay let us start by knowing the pros and cons of something you are passionate about, something you know can make you a promising career and your back up planner (For example: passionate career-fine arts, promising career- acting, backing up career- family business)
  2. Well, now research. Our Indian system of education generally promotes cramming rather than original learning and creativity. Sit on your google space and spend every free hour to find your answers. (For example- the future jobs for fine arts or pay scale available for your interested subject and so so on).
  3. Do jot down your learnings and discuss! Now here is the pro tip: always discuss these matters with someone who is ready to listen to your confusions, is open minded and does not force you. (Like for me it is my Mum.) 
  4. It is advised that at this point to contact a career councillor. The first 3 steps will prepare you better for this as they are important decisioning and conditioning steps.
List of Councillors one can opt for:

Usually the career councillors take from there to guide you towards the best shortlisted options. While you are with them, do not stop researching your own concerns. 

How and when should we start preparing the kids for careers?
Well, I think this should be very basic. Read below:

Foundation tips for building yourself (From class 8 onwards):
  • Read and research a lot. It makes you wiser and confident.
  • Write, create and learn basic skills like Blogging, Adobe, Microsoft.  
  • Dream big and in multiple directions. Do visualise about that fantasy car but instead think of how will you earn it. 
  • Know about what is a resume and how to make the best. Start now.
  • Be passionate about careers and not parties (Though have parties too but passions should be constructive!)
  • Follow good leaders and better examples. Instagram can be productive too... TRY!
  • Eat healthy and be positive.
  • Accept challenges and embrace yourself with a strong personality. 

Our futures are very bright if we start right :))
Next question-answer blog will be out soon!

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